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Structural Engineering in Historic Preservation - Examples of Response to Natural and Man-made Disasters.

  • Monday, September 17, 2018
  • 5:30 PM
  • School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Historic Preservation Dept. 116 S. Michigan Ave. Suite 1601, Chicago IL

Registration is closed

On Monday September 17th, The School of the Art Institute of Chicago and APT WGLC will host a presentation by Ivan Strelbitsky, a Structural Engineer from Russia speaking on “Structural Engineering in Historic Preservation - Examples of Response to Natural and Man-made Disasters.”  The talk will cover the structural reinforcing of historic buildings affected by a variety of disasters, neglect, or an improper approach to previous interventions. The structures discussed date from 8 c. (Caucasus) to 19 c. and include churches, fortresses, and mansions.

In addition to his presentation, Mr. Strelbitsky is happy to take questions and conduct a dialog regarding his work.

Ivan is a frequent lecturer at the Moscow Architectural Institute and is described by peers as an innovative thinker and a passionate educator who greatly appreciates the architectural heritage of his native land and loves to share his experience with students and younger professionals.

The event is free and open to all.

Attendees will earn one AIA CEU

Please join us for a Dutch-treat happy hour to follow at Exchequer.

Please bring ID for building security. 

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